Enterprise Management System
DDMP shall establish a separate, effective enterprise risk management function to identify, assess and monitor key risk exposures. The risk management function involves the following activities, among others:
- Defining a risk management strategy;
- Identifying and analyzing key risk exposures relating to economic, environmental, social and governance (EESG) factors and the achievement of the organization’s strategic objectives;
- Evaluating and categorizing each identified risk using the Company’s predefined risk categories and parameters;
- Establishing a risk register with clearly defined, prioritized and residual risks;
- Developing a risk mitigation plan for the most important risks to the Company, as defined by the risk management strategy;
- Communicating and reporting significant risk exposures including business risks (i.e., strategic, compliance, operational, financial and reputational risks), control issues and risk mitigation plan to the Board Risk Oversight Committee; and
- Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the organization's risk management processes.